Business Insights

Can passion for helping a community be the basis for starting a company?

I had lunch the other day with a friend who asked, hypothetically, if I thought passion for helping a community could be the basis for starting a company. My first thought was that anything can be the basis for starting a company, but can it be the basis for a successful one? I shrugged it […]

Can passion for helping a community be the basis for starting a company? Read More »

The Entrepreneur and the Jedi Mind Trick Selfie

Unless your geek quotient is low, you know that a Jedi mind trick uses powerful suggestion to influence and control minds. Selfie has become so well-known that it’s Oxford Dictionaries’ 2013 word of the year. Two very important concepts! Welding them together to create a “Jedi mind trick selfie” produces a third concept, which is

The Entrepreneur and the Jedi Mind Trick Selfie Read More »

Crowdfunding: Is Entrepreneurial Acceleration Headed Our Way?

The more I look into crowdfunding, specifically the coming of equity crowdfunding, the more I’m intrigued by the democratization of capital infusions it should soon represent for entrepreneurs. For those who are unfamiliar with it, “crowdfunding” refers to networks of individuals who pool their money through websites to support the efforts of individuals or organizations.

Crowdfunding: Is Entrepreneurial Acceleration Headed Our Way? Read More »

Going forward, we’ll realize that “marketing automation” is really “marketing assistance”

In my December blog post, I predicted that 2014 would be the year of the great marketing U-turn. My third of three predicted trends was that we’d become more successful at using marketing automation to move prospects through the sales funnel, and I promised to write more on that later. Here goes. As Carabiner takes

Going forward, we’ll realize that “marketing automation” is really “marketing assistance” Read More »

New Year, Better Organization: Does Your Business Need an Intranet?

Outside of client related activities, I spent a large portion of 2013 dedicated to the creation of our agency’s first intranet. We’ve grown significantly over the last few years and day-to-day tasks – things like sharing files and locating forms – had begun to impact productivity. As our circle grew, it was becoming increasingly more

New Year, Better Organization: Does Your Business Need an Intranet? Read More »