The modern workplace can be a fast-paced, high-pressure environment, so it’s little wonder that stress can take a toll. For example, as a marketer, you may be wearing multiple hats while trying to hit your KPIs and doing more with less resources and budget.
In fact, according to The American Institute of Stress (yes, there is such a thing):
- 83% of workers suffer from work-related stress, with 25% saying their job is the number one stressor in their lives
- About one million employees miss work each day to stress
- 76% of workers report that workplace stress affects their personal relationships
Naturally, it’s important to find ways to manage such stress in a healthy and sustainable way. This is why we’re offering these tips to help you improve how you feel on and off the job:
- Optimize Productivity. One of the biggest sources of stress is feeling as though you’re never accomplishing enough. To combat this, be realistic and set achievable goals for each day. In other words, prioritize a list of what absolutely has to be done now and what can be saved for later, and focus on the former.
Our interview with workplace productivity expert Wendy Ellin offers some great techniques for cutting through the chaos and “working smarter, not harder.” Her tips for managing email overload are spot on!
- Take Breaks. It sounds counterproductive, but taking regular, short breaks throughout the day can go a long way in reducing job stress and enabling you to get more done. Go for a 10-minute walk to experience nature, or make a cup of herbal tea and take time to slowly savor it, for instance—you might be surprised how refreshed you feel afterward.
- Prioritize Physical Self-Care. Self-care is a big buzzword, but what does it really mean? It’s simply about doing what you need to in order to take care of YOU. This might include eating healthful meals, getting enough sleep, or practicing yoga or some other form of regular exercise. Remember that physical health and mental health go hand in hand, so don’t let either suffer.
- Communicate Openly. Miscommunication and misunderstandings aren’t just story tropes—they can make for a tense work environment. To avoid this, it’s important to maintain open lines of communication with your colleagues and superiors. If something is bothering you, address it calmly and respectfully. Try to be empathetic and understanding of other’s perspectives and work to find common ground. This will help foster a more positive workplace culture. Also, don’t be afraid to ask for help if you feel you’re truly bogged down in “too-much-to-do” land. Oftentimes, getting an outside perspective or an extra pair of hands can make the difference.
- Set Boundaries. It can be tempting to work long hours and sacrifice your personal time in the pursuit of career success. However, this can lead to burnout and increased stress. To prevent this, set boundaries between your work and personal life. This could mean switching off your work phone after a certain hour, or not checking your work email during weekends. It’s difficult, but it is also important to learn to sometimes say “no” to unrealistic requests.
It’s an inescapable fact that stress is part of the modern workplace, but it doesn’t have to take over your very existence. By incorporating these tips into your daily routine, you can hopefully better manage your stress and maintain a more balanced, satisfactory lifestyle.
If you have a marketing plan that’s feeling insurmountable to accomplish on your own, we can help. Our veteran marketers can help lessen your stress by serving as the resources you need to accomplish tasks and hit your goals. We can easily scale up or down to work within your budget and needs. Contact us today.