Press Release Best Practices

Amplify Your Message With These 7 Press Release Best Practices

The art of effective communication holds power, and the press release remains a tried-and-true method for disseminating news and capturing attention. In fact, we’ve talked before about the ongoing credibility of press releases in today’s increasingly cynical world. 

While it’s true that well-crafted press releases can gain media coverage and generate new leads, the reality is not everyone understands how an effective one is constructed. This is why we’re offering seven basic tips for building a better press release:

  1. Use A Strong Headline And Hook

    Grab the reader’s attention from the start with a compelling headline that summarizes the most important aspect of your news. Journalists will often scan a release headline and subhead, determine if there’s an interesting news angle, and then either keep reading or dismiss the content and move on. 

  2. Get To The Point

    Press releases shouldn’t be overlong—they’ll not only bog down the reader, but they cost more to disseminate on wire services. Use the inverted pyramid structure, placing the most critical information at the beginning, followed by supporting details. Focus on the “who, what, when, where, why, and how” of your news up front.

  3. Write Like A Journalist

    Press releases should follow AP Style guidelines and be written in a journalistic style that takes a professional tone and focuses on facts. Avoid excessive jargon and promotional language while keeping sentences straightforward and easy to understand.

  4. Include Quotes (But Not Too Many)

    In addition to quoting the company spokesperson, you’ll get bonus credibility points for utilizing a secondary quote from a trusted third party such as an industry analyst or customer. That being said, try to keep the number of quotes to a minimum. Quoting multiple internal executives can be repetitive—one is plenty. 

  5. Cite Statistics

    Citing an industry statistic or two lends credibility to the points you’re trying to make. Such stats can be found through a Google search and ideally should backlink to the source. Of course, your own statistics, such as from a conducted survey or market research, can also be used.

  6. Provide Contact Information And Company Boilerplate

    Always include the contact details of a media representative who can answer questions or arrange interviews. Press releases should also include a company boilerplate at the end of the release, which is a short description of your company. The boilerplate should incorporate backlinks to your website and social platforms.

  7. Optimize For SEO

    Integrate relevant keywords to improve your press release’s visibility in online searches. This increases the likelihood of journalists and other readers discovering and sharing your news. 

A Final Tip: Don’t Forget To Proof

The best press release will provide relevant news or thought leadership tied to industry trends, and will have your organization’s key messages woven in seamlessly. Also, before sending your release out, proofread it carefully for grammar errors, typos, clarity, and AP Style adherence. A well-polished release demonstrates professionalism and attention to detail, while a poorly written one reflects the opposite.  

This blog post gives more tips for garnering maximum attention for your next press release.

If you need assistance developing press releases that effectively communicate your message and are honed to gain the most attention, we can help. Whether you’re looking for assistance in crafting and pitching one key release or are considering a regular news-dissemination strategy, contact us today.