Leading healthcare company uses video to train ER nurses and staff on Telehealth-Based Triage at partner hospitals

The Opportunity

Treating patients quickly and accurately is a key challenge for busy emergency departments, often leading to long wait times for ill or injured patients, as well as some patients leaving without receiving treatment. This is why Envision Physician Services, a leading multispecialty provider group, is now offering Virtual Provider in Triage (VPIT) services to help ERs prevent delays in care. A remote provider sees the patient virtually soon after their arrival in the ER so they can begin the treatment process by ordering tests or fulfilling other needs before an in-person physician is brought in, if one is needed. 

Envision wanted an informative, attention-getting way to introduce its VPIT offering to ER departments inside its network of partnering hospitals.

Animated Video Introduces ER Staff to Virtual Provider In Triage

Envision partnered with Carabiner Communications to create an instructional video that would introduce VPIT to ER providers, nurses, and hospital administrators, illustrating how the telehealth solution is used in the treatment process to provide faster care to patients. The video was animated to eliminate the need for actors and efficiently convey key features and benefits of the VPIT program, helping to control production costs. The animation also ensured the video would capture greater notice compared to traditional forms of communication, such as a memorandum, and eliminated the need for an Envision representative to conduct live presentations at each partnering hospital. 

Envision provided the script and Carabiner’s video production staff developed the storyboard. Once those components were approved, Carabiner then produced the two-and-a-half-minute video. Special care was taken to reflect diversity among both the ER staff and patients, including not just race and gender but body weight and age variances, to reflect realistic scenarios.

 The storyboard-to-finished-product process took place over a six-week period. To date, the video has been used at Envision’s Annual Clinical Summit and at four of its partnering hospitals, and is also posted to Envision’s Department of Virtual Health SharePoint site. 


The video introduction is proving to be successful. For example, one partnering hospital’s ER has used VPIT to reduce doctor-to-disposition time by an average of 56.67 minutes and length of stay (LOS) by 33.44 minutes. 

“Animation promotes VPIT program awareness to clinicians and staff in a way that is both enjoyable and easy to absorb. The Carabiner team was easy to work with and did a great job communicating how our VPIT offering can be used to prevent delays in patient care while helping remove some of the burden from busy ER staff.” 

-Kat Thousand, MHA, BSN, RN, Sr. Dir., Virtual Health Clinical Operations, Envision Physician Services