Carabiner Garners National Publicity for VC Firm with Massive National Media Push

The Opportunity

Panoramic Ventures launched in early 2021 as the result of a partnership between successful entrepreneur Paul Judge and well-known, respected investment firm BIP Capital. The launch required the rebranding of BIP Capital’s highly active venture capital arm to become Panoramic while also communicating the new brand’s “wider-view” approach to investing focusing on promising companies in the Southeast and Midwest, diverse founders, and university startups. 

Panoramic needed assistance with the rebranding, ensuring that it kept the recognition and status that BIP Capital had achieved as a venture-capital investor while also communicating the new brand’s focus moving forward. Another objective was to expand Panoramic’s profile so that it is viewed as a national, not just regional (Southeast), investor.

Media Relations Strategy Covered National, Industry, and Regional Levels

The Panoramic launch came at a challenging time since media coverage was largely focused on the global pandemic and the U.S. presidential election/inauguration. Seeking to break through this saturation, Carabiner appended news about the launch to two key trends: the tech-talent exodus from Silicon Valley, leading to increased geographic diversity for startups; and the growing call for greater racial and gender diversity of founders—dynamics that both corresponded to Panoramic’s core tenets. 

Carabiner played a pivotal role in helping to articulate the Panoramic brand story, messaging, and market differentiators, then used these attributes for strategic pitching to top-tier national press, targeted verticals, and local/regional press in key MSAs. High-priority press (print, online, and broadcast) were offered early interviews with Panoramic leaders under embargo, while communications were opened with other key press to whet their appetites for covering the story on the actual launch day. 

Post-launch, Carabiner kept channels open with journalists to ensure optimal future coverage of Panoramic news and investments.


  • Prominent national digital, print, and broadcast media coverage included Business Insider, TechCrunch, Forbes, Yahoo Finance, Fortune, Venture Capital Journal, MSN, Associated Press, and others 
  • Regional/local coverage in key MSAs included Atlanta Business Journal, Atlanta Inno, Atlanta Journal Constitution, Hypepotamus, and others 
  • Total coverage by 315 media outlets equaling over 60 million impressions