PR & Marketing

Newsjack Your Way To Media Coverage

“Help, I’ve been newsjacked!”

Likely, you won’t ever make that cry on a darkened street corner since newsjacking isn’t something that’s done to you; instead, it’s a proven strategy that brands can use to more effectively gain media coverage.

While “newsjacking” is a current buzzword, it’s been around for a while. Coined by marketing strategist David Meerman Scott more than a decade ago, it’s about finding ways to insert your company into breaking news, current events, and trends that media are covering to promote your brand. 

Newsjacking can help brands to:
  • Stay relevant, allowing you to be part of the conversation around current events or hot topics.
  • Boost visibility by piggybacking on the media’s coverage of a topic, increasing your chance of coverage too.
  • Showcase thought leadership by providing insightful commentary on a topic, helping showcase your company as an authority.

Newsjacking is also a more cost-effective way to reach your audience, since it leverages existing news coverage to garner attention without the need for large advertising or marketing budgets. 

However, newsjacking isn’t a “guarantee” since media are selective in their coverage. Following are three tips to help ensure newsjacking success:

How To Newsjack: 3 Ways
  1. Be Timely. Act quickly when news breaks—in this case, the early bird gets the worm. The sooner you engage with a trending story, the more likely you are to be included in its coverage. Be ready with subject matter experts who can be available to speak to a reporter to meet their deadlines.
  2. Provide Real Value. Ensure the news or event you’re attempting to leverage is relevant to your brand since irrelevant newsjacking attempts feel forced and insincere. Be certain that your brand is a fit and that you can offer valuable insights, unique perspectives, or solutions related to the news story.
  3. Be Mindful. Remember, not all news stories are positive, so consider the potential impact of inclusion on your brand reputation. Injecting yourself into certain “hot-button” debates could backfire.

Some examples of where newsjacking fits might be a security technology company with recommendations to make in light of a recent high-profile security breach, or a logistics company providing helpful tips to ensure on-time deliveries as reporters begin working on holiday-themed stories. Another hypothetical scenario might be an AR/VR developer commenting on how certain special effects were accomplished in a blockbuster movie or televised event. The possibilities are limitless, really—they just require some thinking outside of the box.     

The good news is there are media relations professionals who can help to continuously monitor potential breaking news stories, hot topics, and trends for newsjacking potential for your brand. These specialists not only often have pre-developed relationships with media, but also know how to pitch you in creative ways that increase the chance for inclusion.  

Media coverage is key for building brand awareness, establishing thought leadership and credibility, and engaging with prospects. Want to be part of the public conversation? Newsjacking is a great place to start.

If you need help gaining media coverage for your brand, talk to us today.

The Connector

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