Categories: Social Media

Tips for Increasing the Value of Marketing Infographics

Image via HubSpot

By their very nature, infographics – graphic visual representations of information, data or knowledge – make for great content in social media. And, to further the return on investment, savvy marketers can employ both social and traditional PR and marketing tactics to ensure infographic content is consumed by as many relevant targets as possible. Here are four tips for making this happen:

1. Beyond announcing the availability of the infographic with a catchy headline in a social media post (on Twitter, LinkedIn, Google+, Facebook or others), dig into the key insights the infographic presents to create a stream of content over a period of several days. Such content might detail over a series of posts the most interesting facts, statistics or survey findings the infographic presents. If your infographic focuses on research or statistics from an outside source, be sure to flag it to them via tagging options on the respective social networks. You can also email the source directly and ask them to share the content with their own audience. They’ll likely be thrilled you’re helping to promote their efforts and will happily reciprocate.

2. Create a blog post or press release with the infographic serving as supporting collateral. Just remember that for it to be worthwhile to your audience, it should present something new, interesting and buzz-worthy. Many infographics present a compilation of research from multiple sources, while others present the research findings solely of the publisher itself – such as a survey undertaken by an organization. Either way, have the subject matter expert from your organization provide commentary on the findings the infographic visually represents in the blog post or release. Include the infographic as a supporting image when posting the blog online or when posting the release to a wire service. Additionally, pitch your expert to the media for commentary on the topic.

3. Let your visual content beget additional visual content by dicing up your infographic into multiple digestible screen shots. Repurpose visuals by adding each to a slide with relevant commentary and creating an official presentation you can upload to SlideShare. Or, add in motion graphics to make it into a short video.

Image via WordStream

4. Think of other ways in which you can publish the infographic, such as in the form of a brochure or in a larger display that would catch attention in a booth on a busy tradeshow floor. If published as a brochure or handout, include a link to a blog or social platform where the infographic was published and ask viewers to engage with you online with comments. You can provide extra incentive by asking them to answer a related question online to be eligible for a prize or other reward. Finally, consider the other forms of marketing your company undertakes, such as standalone promotional eblasts or email newsletters, and weave in the infographic.

Infographics are a great way to engage viewers and share key data with target audiences. If you’re going to the effort of creating an infographic for use, there’s no reason not to extend their reach and impact in as many ways as possible.

Question: Does your company currently invest in infographics? How and where have you used them with success?

Kathy Berardi

Kathy loves strategizing with B2B and tech-focused companies on the best way to share their message and build their brand. And, if you want media coverage, she’s also the agency’s “go to” girl.

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